The Hershey History Center will screen a short documentary film about the life and exploits of Major Dick Winters, called "In His Own Words" on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 6:30 pm. This program is being hosted by the Central PA WWII Roundtable, and will be held at Grace United Methodist Church, 433 East Main Street, Hummelstown, PA. 17036.
Richard Davis Winters (January 21, 1918 – January 2, 2011).
The Program
On November 7th, the Hershey History Center will host a showing of the documentary film, "Dick Winters: In His Own Words". The documentary features clips from the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers, in which Major Winters discusses some of the best-known scenes from the series. The excerpts are presented with commentary by Major Winters, who describes the real-life action and experience of the soldiers as seen in Band of Brothers. Following the film, will be a panel discussion (and Q&A) with World War II experts, and those who knew the Major, to discuss his leadership example and legacy, 80 years after WWII. The program is hosted in collaboration with the Central PA WWII Roundtable.
The Panel
Bill Jackson was a 20-year friend of Major Dick Winters. His is a US Army Veteran and his connection to the WWII Battlefield extends to his father, who died in Germany in 1945. A journalist and Penn State Graduate, from 1970 to 2007 he owned and operated The Hummelstown Sun newspaper, and is the founder of the Hershey area WWII Roundtable. He knew the major before and after his Band of Brothers fame, and traveled with him to many speaking engagements and to receive numerous honors.
Joe Trojak is the owner and operator of Progressive Studios in Elizabethtown PA, which focuses on sound recording and Engineering. With a diverse background in music, Joe has performed in various bands and composed live productions for over 35 years. He recorded Major Winters audio for the production of, In His Own Words, and formed a special bond with Dick and Ethel Winters.
Dick Hoxworth was a fixture on NBC affiliate, WGAL News 8 for 40 years. A native of Lancaster, he served 4 years in the US Air Force during the Vietnam War before graduating from broadcast school. A well-respected and Emmy Winning journalist, he interviewed Major Winters for the feature "Duty Bound", originally broadcast on Veterans Day 2003.
Ted Herman, adjunct professor of Humanities and Leadership at Elizabethtown College, will serve as moderator for the discussion. He is a 10-year Board Member of the Hershey History Center, and WWII Historian.